Bach village (Село Бач) - Novaci Municipality

Village Bach is located in the southeast part of Bitola Field. In 1568 in the village lived 51 inhabitants in 14 families. The village configuration is plain, placed 620 meters above sea level and has village estate of 17.8 km2.
In 1994 in the village of Bach lived 189 in 2002 146 and in 2006 160 inhabitants.
The village celebrates the Christian holyday St. Mary.
Like other villages in this region, during the First World War village Bach was severely affected by military actions. Within the village the command of the Serbian army was located.
Birth of the Virgin Mary - church - Bach village - Novaci Municipality - Macedonia

Birth of the Virgin Mary - church - Bach village - Novaci Municipality - Macedonia

Birth of the Virgin Mary - church - Bach village - Novaci Municipality - Macedonia

Birth of the Virgin Mary - church - Bach village - Novaci Municipality - Macedonia

Serbian military cemetery - Birth of the Virgin Mary - church - Bach village - Novaci Municipality - Macedonia

Serbian military cemetery - Birth of the Virgin Mary - church - Bach village - Novaci Municipality - Macedonia

Bach village - Novaci Municipality - Macedonia

Bach village - Novaci Municipality - Macedonia

Bach village - Novaci Municipality - Macedonia

The church “Birth of the Virgin Mary” was built in the 19th century. It was restored and re-consecrated on 21 September 1912 during the village festivity.
During the First World War the chuch was destroyed and was rebuilt in 1921.


settlement and necropolis from Roman time

Bronze Age settlement
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